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A Comparative Analysis of Pediatric Nursing Master's Programs between Iran and Duke University in the United States

This descriptive-comparative study, conducted in 2021, collected the necessary data related to the Master of Pediatric Nursing Education Program through a keyword search that included terms such as comparative study, curriculum, master, pediatric nursing, America, and Iran. Additionally, a thorough review of the history and details of the curriculum for the master's degree program in pediatric nursing at both Iran and Duke University was conducted. The data was then analyzed using the Bereday model, which consists of four stages: description, interpretation, proximity, and comparison.

The Master of Pediatric Nursing program in Iran and Duke University showed similarities in terms of philosophy and perspective, the role of students after graduation, and educational strategies and teaching methods. However, there were differences in admission requirements (decentralized admission in Iran requires a formal work permit (RN) and one year of pediatric care experience), the nature of the field (Duke University focuses more on field and clinical education, while Iran's program is primarily based on education, research, and a research dissertation), the mission of the field (Iran focuses on family-centered care, while Duke University emphasizes cultural issues), and the perspective of the field (Iran aligns with international standards, while Duke University focuses on training transformational leaders in the future).

Conclusions: The Master's program in Pediatric Nursing at both Iran and Duke University have their own unique characteristics and strengths. By comparing these two programs, it is possible to gain valuable insights and improve the educational curriculum in order to meet the evolving needs of the nursing community.